Beliefs and Values

Church of the Resurrection is a Christ-exalting and gospel-proclaiming colony of the Kingdom of Heaven that worships God in the Classical Anglican tradition. We exist to glorify God, especially through our worship, discipleship, and evangelism.

Our Church Is…


We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God written and to contain all things necessary for salvation. We consequently submit ourselves to the authority of the Scriptures and seek to conform our lives and ministry thereto.


We worship using the Book of Common Prayer. The BCP can aptly be understood as “Scripture arranged for worship.”


By faith, we gratefully receive the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as means by which we receive grace.


We profess the three historic creeds of the Church—the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian—as articulating the fundamentals of right doctrine. We also hold to the doctrine expressed in the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, The Book of Common Prayer (1662), The Book of Homilies, and the Jerusalem Declaration.


We are committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, both to those who already believe and to those who do not believe—to the former so that they may walk more closely with Christ, and to the latter so that they may come to know and believe that he is Savior of all.


As a congregation of the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word, we are in communion with Christians from around the world through our affiliation with GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference), which represents some 85 million Anglicans worldwide